Be sure to bring in your eight editorials, your responses AND your rhetorical terms-to-know notecards ON THE FIRST DAY OF CLASS! We will be working beginning DAY ONE :o)
From here on out, our class blog will be found at
Thanks :o) See you in a couple days! Looking forward to it.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Posted by Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 2, 2010
Tipping Point New Extra Credit Question
The question in the post below this one is now closed, so do not respond. You can, however, comment on the questions in THIS post. You can address one or both questions. Here goes:
- In the book, Gladwell discusses the "Broken Window Theory." Think of other examples in which this theory applies then comment on them.
- Gladwell also mentions "transactive memory." Reflect on your family life or circle of friends then comment on this idea in regards to your family and/or friends.
Good luck with the rest of the book. You should be finishing this week!
Posted by Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! at 6:05 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Tipping Point
Hello, students! You should be well into The Tipping Point by now. It's been quite interesting thus far. I especially like the part about Paul Revere, which has been a nice add-on to my previous knowledge of him and the onset of the American Revolutionary War. Cool stuff!
With that said, here is an extra credit question for you. Be reminded that I will not award extra credit if your answer is not backed with direct quotations from the book, nor will you receive credit for answers that are grammatically incorrect. My suggestion is for you to type your response in Microsoft Word, then proof and edit it there, then copy and paste into the comment section. OK, here is the question:
Think of the qualities of a CONNECTOR, MAVEN and SALESMAN. Name a modern-day person whom you believe to be a CONNECTOR, one you believe to be a MAVEN, and one you believe to be a SALESMAN. Be sure to support your answer with SPECIFIC details from both the book AND your observations. Please do not state the obvious. I want you to reach a little!
Posted by Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! at 5:06 AM 21 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Summer Reading is Selected for AP Language
Here it is! Our summer reading for 2010 is Malcolm Galdwell's, The Tipping Point.
To quote Gladwell's site, "It's a book about change. In particular, it's a book that presents a new way of understanding why change so often happens as quickly and as unexpectedly as it does. For example, why did crime drop so dramatically in New York City in the mid-1990's? How does a novel written by an unknown author end up as national bestseller? Why do teens smoke in greater and greater numbers, when every single person in the country knows that cigarettes kill? Why is word-of-mouth so powerful? What makes TV shows like Sesame Street so good at teaching kids how to read? I think the answer to all those questions is the same. It's that ideas and behavior and messages and products sometimes behave just like outbreaks of infectious disease. They are social epidemics. The Tipping Point is an examination of the social epidemics that surround us." Click HERE to visit Gladwell's site to investigate further.
Posted by Mrs. Rodriguez, the teacher who loves you! at 7:37 AM 0 comments