Thursday, May 14, 2009

Getting it Stared

Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Rodriguez are here to get you ready for AP Language and Composition for the 2010-2011 school year!



Amanda said...

Hello, Mrs. Rodriguez
My name is Amanda Frye, Barbie's daughter I am writing to ask if there is any possible way I can make up the extra credit questions? I had no idea about this web page, or what was on till about 3 weeks ago, and I would really love a chance to receive extra points in your class. I will send them to you by tomorrow and if you do accept them then that great and I would appreciate it.
Thank you, and have a great day!

JohandraD said...

Hello! I'm having a problem with printing out the Terms to Know. The only way I can print the document is if I download the file, but I need to pay to download it. Is there another way to be able to print it? I already tried to copy and paste into a Word document, but it doesn't work. Thanks!
